DANCING IN THE STORM Available Feb. 6, 2024

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The Twitter Advantage

I enjoy Facebook’s format more than Twitter’s, but recently I’ve experienced the Twitter Advantage. For the first time ever, I am in a critique group with an author/illustrator. Eileen is interested in graphic novels…a subject about which I am woefully ignorant. So I posted on Twitter: “Need graphic novel recommendations for children.” A woman that I didn’t know recommended Owly. Within minutes I got a message that I was being “followed” by Owly’s creator, Andy Runton. The Twitter advantage doesn’t limit you to connecting with friends, but allows you to search for people that have the information you need. How cool is that? So what’s your preference, Facebook or Twitter?

5 Responses

  1. Shannon – I use both, but because of the way it's set up, you can follow anyone you like on Twitter, and often they'll follow you back, especially if you @reply to them or retweet them. Like you, I find it a great way to meet new people, without the facebook requirement of "will you be my friend?"

    And for me, I got tired of facebook changing the rules all the time, so you have to keep endlessly checking your privacy settings to get it where you want. With Twitter, you know it's public, so just be polite.

    But with facebook friends, you can have more indepth discussions and comments. So, there are advantages to both. Twitter is great for writers, though, because we're so gabby – tweet, tweet, tweet 😉

  2. I'm on both Facebook and Twitter but honestly don't do much with Twitter. I clearly haven't figured out how to make it feel converstaional. And so far, I haven't had the time and energy to learn.

  3. I don't think Twitter feels conversational and that's why I prefer Facebook for catching up with my friends. But for information purposes, Twitter is better.For instance, I might be shy about asking a famous editor or agent to "be my friend" on Facebook, but I can easily follow them on Twitter. That gives me access to their knowledge without my appearing like a stalker!

  4. I'm on Twitter and FB, but I use Twitter more. I love how I can touch base quickly with people on Twitter, share and read quick bits of information and links. Also, I get so tired of Facebook constantly changing the format.

  5. I agree about Facebook changing the format. That is highly annoying. On the other hand, I use Facebook more because it doesn't feel so anonymous. I comment and people respond. On Twitter it often feels like everybody's talking at the same time without any real meaningful conversations.