DANCING IN THE STORM Available Feb. 6, 2024

The Latest from Shannon

What's new from Shannon

The Groove Train

I’m on a writing “groove train.” Within a couple of weeks, (God willing and the creek don’t rise), I should have a draft of my latest novel.

Every writer’s process is different. I was reminded of that this morning while reading my friend, Cynthia Chapman Willis’ blog. Cindy has been revising by trimming her novel, (she compares it to a good haircut). I’ll be revising by adding to mine, like working in a dollop of mousse to give it a little extra volume.
During revision, I’ll see places that need more description, passages that should be drawn out, time gaps that should be filled. I don’t understand how Cindy writes long, and she doesn’t get how I write short, but in the end we’ll both have completed novels.
Tell me about the process that works for you. Does your writing need plumping up or thinning out?

6 Responses

  1. Great post, Shannon! It really is interesting how every writer has his/her own process, even if not by design. I never mean to over-write, it's just what I do. And I'm betting you'd rather get everything in the first time around. Thank goodness for revisions. : )

    Thanks for linking to my blog post!