DANCING IN THE STORM Available Feb. 6, 2024

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I couldn’t wait to read THE SKY IS EVERYWHERE, after hearing literary agent, Erin Murphy, speak at the Miami SCBWI Conference. Ms. Murphy reads a lot of YA literature, so if it was her favorite book of the season, that was good enough for me.

However, I didn’t expect to fall totally, head-over-heels in love. It may be my favorite book of all time. You see, I have something in common with Lennie, the book’s protagonist: we have both lost our only sisters.
Lennie’s last conversation with her sister was inconsequential. It was over whether Bailey should wear a blue or a green shirt. My last conversation with Robin was over the phone, but not about anything really important either. There is no warning whenever we’re speaking to someone for the last time. In hindsight, that is maddening and seems so wrong.
Lennie talks of choosing the dress her sister will wear forever. What a profound way of putting it. I chose the clothes my sister is buried in also, but in Robin’s case, I chose pants. She hated dresses and there was no way I was torturing her with one for all of eternity.
I completely lost it when Lennie laments not being a sister anymore. Robin was born when I was three years old. I don’t remember a time prior to being a sister, but the twelve years since her death have been extremely painful. We’ve celebrated many holidays with an empty seat at the table. She is my son’s godmother, and I’ve marked every milestone without her to share them with.
I don’t know Jandy Nelson personally, but somehow she knows what is inside my heart. She wrote it all down to share with sisterless girls everywhere.
It’s not enough to have THE SKY IS EVERYWHERE on my Kindle. I need to hold this book in my hands. If you’ve ever lost someone you love more than life, read this book. You won’t be sorry.

4 Responses

  1. I will read, it's actually on my shelf! (((hugs))) on your sister, too.

    I don't have a brother anymore. It really does take some serious getting used to.

  2. Hi Joyce, Yes, the book is a gift to me. I would love to know Jandy's inspiration for this story.

    Deb, I'm sorry about your brother. Stop by after you read it and tell me if she captured some of your feelings about losing your brother.