A New Novel Coming & Professional Reviews
My next novel, co-written with Amie Specht was finally announced in Publishers Weekly!

Lauri Hornik at Rocky Pond Books has acquired the middle grade novel Dear Amie, an inspirational story about living courageously despite disability, co-written by Amie Specht–who has Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP), one of the rarest genetic disorders in the world–and Shannon Hitchcock (Flying Over Water). Publication is planned for spring 2024; Deborah Warren at East West Literary Agency represented both, for world rights.
Amie and I have been busy. In the last couple of weeks, we have written a dedication, Acknowledgments, and submitted the first round of edits. Our editor would like to change the title, and we’ve turned in a list of possible substitutes. It’s starting to look like a real book!
And on the picture book front, professional reviews have started rolling in for Story Quilts–Appalachian Women Speak. I was very pleased with both Publishers Weekly and the dreaded Kirkus! Story Quilts is available for pre-order at your favorite indy bookstore and will be shipping the week of September 30th.