DANCING IN THE STORM Available Feb. 6, 2024

The Latest from Shannon

What's new from Shannon

A Month of Magic–Launching My Book in Berea, KY!

It has truly been a month of magic! It started with an event at Firestorm Coop. I did a reading of my Jean Ritchie picture book biography, She Sang for the Mountains, and folk musician Deborah Silverstein sang and played three of Jean’s songs.

Then on April 12th, I traveled to my hometown for an event at Books & Brew to sign copies of both my new books, Dancing In The Storm and Of Words & Water.

And finally, I made my first visit to Kentucky. I was invited to speak at the Loyal Jones Appalachian Center. Terry Buchanan, Heather Dent, and Chris Green made my visit extra special.

I did a school visit at Berea Community School.

Another highlight was visiting the folk art collection at the Appalachian Center. Here I am with Jean Ritchie’s dulcimer!

And I stopped by the Berea Story Trail:


It was my first visit to Berea, but I hope it won’t be my last.

Of Words & Water has been getting lots of good press!

You can read an interview with me at Chapter 16: https://chapter16.org/the-irreplaceable-gift/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3xtW9-qFLlzFGR0MD-wLjkiTO5qA4mucoqbohSjDw_O5Vt3BFVRiFktRU_aem_AZnXS6VJHnNXsRCdoJO5-fi0yVw1lXUORCB8QKo25nGul3PIqSM9vZxcVXAbYezT57M4FZTpxhlOw7XszwgnadPv

A review at Mountain Xpress: https://mountainx.com/arts/around-town-rad-gets-a-new-gallery/

Another review at Archimedes Notebook: https://archimedesnotebook.blogspot.com/2024/04/wilmas-words-to-save-water.html

And Of Words & Water was the lead story in Asheville Today! https://avltoday.6amcity.com/history/teaching-wilma-dykemans-impact-with-a-new-childrens-book

I’ll be back next month to share even more good news!