How, Oh, How Does An Author Sell Books?
The answer is nobody really knows, but we authors do our best. A wise woman, (Joyce Sweeney), who’s an agent at the Seymour Agency, once said to me, “You don’t know 10,000 people to buy your book, so do the promotion you enjoy and don’t worry about the rest.”
That said, since I have a new book out, I have been doing what I can to make people aware of it. Constance Lombardo and I held a joint picture book launch at Malaprop’s Bookstore on October 25th. If you missed the launch, never fear, you can watch a replay on YouTube!

Constance and I then took our show on the road and appeared on a local radio show–WordPlay Radio (103.3 Asheville FM) hosted by Lockie Hunter. Though I have appeared on television, this was my first time on a radio show!

Story Quilts is making an appearance on Kathy Temean’s blog. I wrote about the book’s journey and Kathy is hosting a giveaway. You can read how Story Quilts came to be here:
Educator Groups send books on tour via Twitter. The way it works is the author sends a book to the first person in the chain, that educator reads the book, posts pictures, sometimes writes a review, and then sends the book to the next person in the chain. Story Quilts–Appalachian Women Speak is on Twitter book tours with #bookexcursion, #bookexpedition, and #bookposse.
It is always much appreciated when a publishing house does something a little extra to promote an author’s books. Reycraft has supplied me with wonderful bookmarks and in addition prepared a Teacher’s Guide. The guide is available for free download on my website:
I am planning to take some time off to enjoy Thanksgiving, but I’ll be back next month with more promotional news. And don’t forget, books make great holiday gifts. You can order signed copies of mine from Malaprop’s Book Store. All you have to do is call with a credit card and request a signed copy. They ship anywhere in the country!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!