North Carolina Reading Association Conference
I had a blast at the North Carolina Reading Association Conference! I walked into the exhibit hall to this sign:

I was on a lunch panel with four other authors: Dasan Ahanu, Alan Gratz, Annette Saunooke Clapsaddle and Elja Bowen. Later that afternoon, I presented at a breakout session called, Students As Storytellers. For the first time, I publicly shared the cover of my next book, Of Words & Water–The Story of Wilma Dykeman Writer, Historian, Environmentalist.

I think illustrator, Sophie Page outdid herself on this one. Her sketch of Wilma looks exactly like her photographs.
I was very pleased with this review, Alternative Forms of Storytelling: Appalachian Women’s Quilts and Black Women’s Hands:

That’s all my news for the month of March, but I hope to have a publication date for the Wilma Dykeman book soon, and I can’t wait to see the rest of the illustrations!