DANCING IN THE STORM Available Feb. 6, 2024

The Latest from Shannon

What's new from Shannon

A NC Authors’ Picture Book Palooza!

On December 4th, I was part of a Picture Book Palooza with fellow authors Constance Lombardo, Amy Cherrix, and Allan Wolf. If you missed our presentation, Firestorm Books has it up on their YouTube channel:



As I continue to promote STORY QUILTS, Carol Baldwin reviewed both STORY QUILTS and SHE SANG FOR THE MOUNTAINS on her blog. You can read Carol’s post and see lots of the lovely illustrations from my books here:


On the novel front, we finally have a title for our 2024 novel. My titles often go through lots of changes and this one was no exception. We started out with a working title of TUMBLING because the main character is a gymnast. When we decided that my co-author Amie Specht would appear as an actual character in the book, we changed the title to DEAR AMIE. Our editor wasn’t sold on either one and asked for a list of possible titles. Any time that happens, I read the entire manuscript start to finish and jot down phrases that stand out. One of those phrases, DANCING IN THE STORM, resonated with Amie and also with our editor, Lauri Hornik. So…DANCING IN THE STORM it is. Amie and I received final cover art last week and we are both so in love with it! I haven’t been given the okay to share it yet, but hopefully we’ll do a cover reveal after the holidays.

I’m going to take some time off to enjoy Christmas, but I’ll be back with more updates in January. Wishing all my readers a safe and joyous holiday season,
